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Protect your Intellectual Property with Copyright

Introduction: What is Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind that are original and possess economic value. It includes inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names and images used in trade.

people walking on a tunnel

Intellectual property protection is a legal doctrine that recognizes the exclusive right of the creator to intellectual property. Intellectual Property Rights has four elements:

1) The right to decide what happens with an intellectual product for a set amount of time after it is created

2) The right to exclude others from using it without permission during this period

3) The right to derive income from it by selling copies or licensing rights in different ways

4) The obligation not to copy someone else’s intellectual product without permission or payment

How to Register for Copyright Protection

In order to register a copyright, you need to provide information about the work you are registering and any previous titles of the work.

The U.S. Copyright Office is a government agency that registers copyrights on behalf of its citizens. It has an online registration system which anyone can use to get their work registered for a fee of $35 per title.

Copyright protection is important because it prevents others from using your work without your permission and from copying it in whole or in part.

What are the Different Types of Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property (IP) is a set of exclusive rights granted to the creator or owner of a work.

It may refer to copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other forms of protection.

The exact meaning can depend on how it is used and on the jurisdiction where the term is used.

An intellectual property work can be a book, a poem, a drawing, an invention or even an idea.

In other words, intellectual property refers to anything that you have that you have created with your mind or anything that was created with your mind and has been given legal protection.

What is the Difference Between Copyright and Patent?

Copyright is the right of the author or creator to control how his or her creations are used. A copyright can be in the form of a license, which typically gives someone permission to do something with a copyrighted work. Copyright law protects original works of authorship, including any written, musical, dramatic, pictorial, graphic or sculptural work.

A patent is an exclusive right granted by a government for an invention or design. It gives the patent holder the exclusive right to make, sell and distribute products made under that patent for 20 years from the date of filing. Ideally patents are awarded to inventions that are novel and offer some sort of utility to society at large.

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